What consequences are associated with the subject?

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Essay

(1) Choose Topic — Decide which contrast you would like to write about:

Sleeping vs. waking
Individuals vs. society
Appearance vs. reality

(2) Collect Examples — In one document, collect all the quotations and plot points that deal with your chosen topic (and include the correct line numbers!).

For example, if your chosen topic was light vs. darkness, you would collect the following examples, among others:

Romeo and his friends arriving through the darkness at the feast, bearing torches (1.4)
“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? . . .” (2.2.2-26)
Friar Lawrence’s introductory speech (2.3.1-6)
Romeo and Juliet’s morning conversation in 3.5
Romeo’s final words in 5.3

(3) Evaluate Examples.Now that all the examples are in one place, take a good look at them. Ask yourself the following questions, and take notes as you answer.

What are the similarities between the examples?
Are there any differences?
What consequences are associated with the subject?
For example, if an individual breaks out of the mold in the story, what ends up happening to them?
If a character relies on dreams, what happens to them?
On the whole, what does the play seem to be communicating about the subject?

(4) Make Your Topic.Your topic should answer the following question:
What does the play communicate about my chosen subject?

For example, here is a sample thesis of an analysis essay about light vs. darkness in Romeo and Juliet:

In Romeo and Juliet, while the main characters love to hide behind darkness, the light always comes to reveal the true nature of things.

(5) Write Your Analysis write the body of your paper.

Your goal is to prove your  topic using examples from the text. Explain how the quotations and events reveal the specific theme you have identified.

You may choose to bring up examples chronologically (in the order that they happen in the play). Or, you could discuss how different characters deal with your chosen subject.

(6) Write a Short Introduction and Conclusion.The introduction should introduce the play and your chosen subject, and then end with that topic statement that you already created. The conclusion should restate your claim and then make a final general statement about the topic.