Why should racist imagery be more important than ending a long cycle of humiliating our most marginalized citizens?

Formal Essay 1

Read the article:


Compose a persuasive essay response (minimum 500 words) that provides and supports an opinion (argument, claim) specifically about the light green, yellow, and light gray highlighted sections of the article.

Specifically provide a thesis about the authors’ contention that the name “Braves” is derogatory, racist, humiliating, and offensive.

When providing that topic, take a stand: agree or disagree with the quotation above.

Anywhere in your essay after the introductory paragraph, respond to the following question in the Streeter article: “Why should racist imagery be more important than ending a long cycle of humiliating our most marginalized citizens?”

Address and respond to that question with at least two declarative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

POINT OF VIEW: Compose this essay in the first-person point of view of Mario Rocha, an avid Atlanta Braves fan who holds season tickets. Every paragraph must clearly reveal that Mario is a Braves fan. Remember, in first person you are writing as Mario, not about Mario.

The paragraph requirement for Formal Essay assignments is introductory paragraph, a minimum of three body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

Two sources are required, the Streeter source and one other credible source based on your own research. This assignment requires a minimum of one direct quotation from each source. Each quotation must be at least two complete lines of text but not more than four lines of text, placed in separate paragraphs, and must pertain to the content of that paragraph.