Would be satisfied with the application of those two theories in your own practice?

Exploring Nursing Theories

You have so far pondered upon the nature of theory for the profession of nursing, presented some guiding principles drawn from the work of Florence Nightingale, depicted a collage of your inspirations as a nurse, and studied the work of a few scholars who have had a major impact on the practice of nursing.

For this activity, you are to further broaden your understanding of nursing theories and theorists. On your own, search, select, and study two theories (or theorists) and present a comparative review of their theories.

Then, show how those two theories, if adopted, would shape your professional behavior and your nursing practice in your current workplace.

And, lastly, tell us if you would be satisfied with the application of those two theories in your own practice?

Here are some simple resources for you to locate a theory or a theorist:

Nursology (Links to an external site.) https://nursing-theory.org/
Nurseslab (Links to an external site.) https://nurseslabs.com/nursing-theories/list_of_nursing_theories_and_theorists
Nursing Theorists (Links to an external site.) https://nursology.net/nurse-theories/

The task is simple. You will write a post that includes the following:

An introduction to each theory (one short paragraph each)
A comparative presentation and analysis of the two theories (one paragraph)
If you were to adopt these, explain how would they shape and impact your practice as a nurse in your current workplace (one short paragraph each)
Whether and why you will be content and satisfied with such adoption of the said theories (one paragraph)?