What is your scientific question/hypothesis in the field of human sexuality?

Choose any topic of study in the field of sexuality and conduct your research.
All of the following questions need to be included in the paper.

What is your scientific question/hypothesis in the field of human sexuality? (5 pts)

What materials/methods will you be using to answer your question? Why did you choose these methods?

If you are administering a survey/questionnaire/interview questions, include it here. If you are utilizing an experimental method, what are your independent and dependent variables? (10 pts)

What kind of sample did you choose and why? How many participants were in your sample? (10 pts)

Include figures of your data. (e.g. line graphs, bar graphs, tables, pie charts, etc.) (10 pts)

What conclusions can you draw from your results? (10 pts)

What problems/biases did you encounter during your study? (10 pts)

Do you have any conflicts of interest to declare? Did you conduct your study with respect to the ethical guidelines? (5 pts)