Describe the proposed local communication plan and negotiation process

Signature Assignment: Confronting Difficult Issues as a Leader Case Study

Read about the Moving Health Care Upstream (MHCU) initiative with special attention to the Moving Beyond Mainstream illustration of upstream-midstream-downstream care.
Read the blog post: Meeting individual social needs falls short of addressing social determinants of health.
Explore MHCU’s Leading Change features.
Review the case studies from MHCU’s Gallery of Examples in Action
Select one of the case studies from MHCU’s Gallery of Examples in Action as the model guide for local change you would like to implement. Note: The population and setting should be based on where you ideally would like to use your MPH degree, with the population that is most interesting to you. “Local population” could be city as client, state as client, country as client.

Optional resources to guide your thinking – None are required and are not to be submitted.

Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Appendices Links has worksheets and checklists to guide your planning and writing.
Complete the JHNEBP Copyright Permission Form on their webpage to gain free access to their 2022 e-Tools or paper version. The following two appendices may be helpful as you plan your local change idea. Depending on your approach, some of the other Appendices may also be helpful.

Appendix C Stakeholder Analysis
Appendix I Action Planning Tool


ASSIGNMENT – Using the selected MHCU case study as a model,

Address a similar health care issue of your interest for a local population and setting.
Design a 5-7 page change project implementation plan that synthesizes the topics of this course with yourself as the project leader.

Write an introduction that briefly describes the background for the local population of interest and local issue or need.

Analyze the background of the local issue using data and other findings from population health sources (e.g. community health needs assessments, CA Let’s Get Healthy, Healthy People 2030)
Compare the local issue with the case study
Describe from the case study which leadership strengths are evident

Using the case study example process as a model for your proposed local change, continue to describe the plan to translate or implement your plan, with the following:

Propose a change theory or model to guide the process
Explain key elements of the proposed change process (include details for each step)
Identify local stakeholders (see optional material)
Describe the proposed local communication plan and negotiation process
Evaluate the anticipated response to the local solution

Throughout the paper:

Integrate examples from the case study .
Add your own innovative ideas with citations from the literature.
Explain which of your personal strengths can be incorporated at each stage.