How does this story address that ideal-How do at least two other texts from this Module’s readings also address that notion even without consciously intending to do so?

Answer ALL of the following in no less than 250 words per question:
1) Knezevic’s “The Classroom” addresses a huge article from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the indestructibility of rights.

How does this story address that ideal? How do at least two other texts from this Module’s readings also address that notion even without consciously intending to do so?

Compare and contrast what the author’s show about the human condition and how rights, or the lack thereof, are part of the human condition. Be SPECIFIC with references to the texts to answer this question.

2) In Knezevic’s “The Classroom” a central character leave his homeland. In contrast to that, poet Anna Ahkmatova never left Russia though many other Russian ex-pats tried to convince her to do so.

Using the poem “Requiem” and the characters in “The Classroom”, compare and contrast the impacts of staying and leaving one’s country when the situation in one’s country is dangerous. Be SPECIFIC with references to the texts to answer this question.

3) Though Larkin is English and Heaney Irish, both are writing in the same language in the same time period (Heaney slightly later but their writing time overlaps).

What features of the poems you read are common to both that would enable you to note specific techniques and/or themes that are specifically late 20th century British? OR conversely, do you think that their styles and themes are so different that they have little in common suggesting that English and Irish poetry are distinct? Again, be SPECIFIC.

Posted are the poems links

All poems are listed. The classroom literature I don’t have and couldn’t find.