How does the defmition of physics presented in this video compare to that from the video in Question 4 above?

3. For the following questions, handwrite all your answers on a separate sheet of paper. You may use any resources you wish to answer them. You must write your solutions by hand, cite all your references, and show all your calculations.

[a] Watch the video (Dianna’s Intro Physics Class: Trailer). As presented in this video, what is physics? Is it consistent with your experiences with physics to date, and why? (Your answers should total 30-50 words.)

[b] Watch the video (What is Physics? Physics In Motion). How does the defmition of physics presented in this video compare to that from the video in Question 4 above? Based on this definition, give an example of physics in your own life. (Your answers should again total 30-50 words.)

[c] In the OpenStax College Physics online textbook, read the “Section Summary” parts of Chapter 1 (Introduction: The Nature of Science and Physics) and Chapter 2 (Kinematics). In a roughly 30-50 word answer, write down which concepts and equations in these two summaries are familiar to you from previous science courses, and which are new to you. Remember, don’t worry if a lot of this is new to you — that’s what this course is all about. It’s all good!

4. Video Assignment for Lecture 01 After you have read the course syllabus and first day handout, make a short (15-30 second) video of yourself (phone, Zoom, or any kind of tech is fine) saying your name your student ID number the date. day. and time and the following sentence: