Identify situations when your natural leadership style is effective and when it is less effective or even a barrier.

Leadership Autobiography

Leadership Autobiography Guidelines

The purpose of the leadership autobiography is to develop a critical self-understanding of your leadership experience and your leadership style. It should be oriented to your past experience and achievements, as well as to your future goals and aspirations.

Identify situations when your natural leadership style is effective and when it is less effective or even a barrier.

Develop strategies to enhance your leadership effectiveness, particularly in situations where your natural style may be a stumbling block to effective leadership, drawing on the lessons of the leadership stretch experience.

Incorporate the results of your Myers Briggs Type Analysis and your reflections on it.
Every week there were questions posted for your leadership autobiography, related to that unit&x27;s focus, and these should be incorporated into your leadership autobiography.
Your leadership autobiography should be about 12 pages in length. Your own frame of reference about leadership should be developed. Leadership experiences in the workplace as well as in other settings should be included.

Your leadership autobiography should integrate formative leadership experiences as well as adult leadership experiences.

Role models, both positive and negative, should be referenced. The leadership autobiography should conclude with a critical self-analysis of yourself as a leader, and your plans and aspirations for the future.