What do you think is the longest half-life of a radioactive isotope that could be used for medical imaging? Explain your answer, and write down one or two other interesting things you learned in Section 32.1 of the text.

3. In the OpenStax College Physics textbook, read the first part of Chapter 32 (Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics) up through and including Section 32.4 (Food Irradiation). Based on that reading, answer each of the questions below, in about 30-50 words each.


[b] How do the units rem, rad, and Ci (curie) mathematically convert to the units Sv (Sievert), gray (Gy), and Bq (bequerel) respectively? Also, write down one or two other interesting things you learned in Section 32.2 of the text.

[c] Do you know or have you read about anyone who has had radiation treatments for cancer? If not, fmd such a story on the intemet about such a person. Briefly, what course of treatment did they experience? How does that information relate to what you read in Section 32.3 of the text?

[d] If you eat food from supermarkets or restaurants, then you have almost certainly eaten irradiated food throughout your life. What one or two interesting things did you read about in Section 32.4 might affect how you feel about eating irradiated food in the future?