What other conflicting ideas are within you that you need to integrate-How would integrating contrarites help you life a more full life?

9 lessons of life

Watch the video. It is a bit lengthy, but you will need to reference it for your answers below. You can watch some, work on an answer, then come back to it. Create a document in Word, or Google Doc, paste these questions into the document, then write your responses. Upload your document as a .doc or .pdf in the submission text. Do not just paste your submission into the textbox.

Jung’s Nine Life Lessons:

1. Look inside yourself first: When you look into yourself, what do you expect to find? Do you draw strength from an intuition, a spirit, God, etc? How wold looking inside of yourself help you live a more full life?

2. Integrate your contraries: Besides your inner gender contraries, what other conflicting ideas are within you that you need to integrate? How would integrating contrarites help you life a more full life?

3. Analyze your dreams. Isn’t this very similar to looking inside of yourself? According to Jung, dreams reveals our deepest and truest thoughts. Do you remember you dreams? Do you discuss them? If your interpretation of your dream is wrong, wouldn’t this change your life course? Do you think dreams should be analyzed, or are they usually nonsense?

4. Learn to face reality. Think about a time where you were trying to run away from a problem, but the running only drew you closer to the problem. Discuss that time. Since you can look back on that time with hindsight, do you agree with Jung that facing your reality would have been better than trying to run from it? How would following this idea help you have a more fulfilling life?

5. Be aware of superstitions. What superstitions have you held on to? Do your superstitions hinder you, or do they help you psych yourself up? According to Jung, how can integrating superstitions be beneficial?

6. Think, do not judge. What, in your opinion, is the difference between being sincere and being judgemental? How can not judging individuals increase your joy in living.

7. Avoid excessive pride. According to Jung, why do we have excessive pride? Why is pride so dangerous? How does it limit living?

8. Be eager to grow older. Each of you are older today than you were yesterday! Congratulations. What ages and milestones in your life are you looking forward to? How will age help you live a more fulfilling life? P.S. Don’t wait until 40 to start living! Do listen to the wisdom of those older than you though.

9. Tell your story. To whom do you feel the most comfortable telling your most uncomfortable stories? Jung claims that even telling your story to yourself is beneficial. According to Jung, telling your story brings about what? Why would this help you to live a more fulfilling life?

10. Life is granted to us and death is guaranteed to us. What we do in the middle is living. Find one song, story, movie, author, piece of art etc, that exemplifies the desire to live, to do more than just have life. Give a the name and title of the work you a are references, and a hyperlink to an example of that work. Write a brief summary or explanation of the work and tell how and why it inspires you to life life to its fullest.