What are some safeguards against false confessions-Which safeguard is most effective, and why do you think that is the case?

Here, then, is the reading assignment:

• Ok, this one is not really “reading,: but watch the Kassin video at

• Read “Confessing to Crime, but Innocent, from the New York Times. You can find it at http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/14/us/14confess.html.

• Next, Chapter Four of Minds on Trial, about the Guilford Four. (https://portal-us.willolabs.com/shelf/846/95c23245971afacd375f89bc8579ab7f1c856338/10431/CvfpMS/) Login info is email:

• Finally, read “Commonsense evidence: Commonsense Myths and  Misconceptions,” by Saul Kassin.


Pick one question to respond to.

1. What factors led the Guilford Four to confess? Which of those factors can be
applied to false confessions in general?

2. What is “memory distrust syndrome”?

3. Differentiate between the three types of false confessions.

4. What are some safeguards against false confessions? Which safeguard is most effective, and why do you think that is the case?

5. Identify and discuss one of the “commonsense” myths or misconceptions cited by