Which speaker was the stronger speaker in their ability to use the five canons of rhetoric and the three rhetorical appeals? Why do you believe so?

Compare & Contrast

You are to view two different speakers giving a speech on the same topic. You will examine
the speaker’s use of the five canons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and

How effective is the speaker in keeping in mind the topic, audience, and occasion.
Pay attention to the speaker’s use of language; how effective are they at using their
language? From what you can observe, are they catering to a specific audience? If so, who?

How were ethos, pathos, and logos used (or present) during the speech? Which speaker was
the stronger speaker in their ability to use the five canons of rhetoric and the three rhetorical
appeals? Why do you believe so?

What could the speakers have done differently (feel free to critique), which cannons or three appeals could have been more present or used more strongly?

This paper will be 3-5 pages double-spaced using 12 point and Times New Roman font.

The two speeches are by

Malala Yousafzai – The right to learning should be given to any child

Emma Watson at the HeForShe Campaign 2014