Describe the causes of the historical event. In other words, what were the underlying factors that led to the historical event? Were there any immediate causes that precipitated the event?

Historical Analysis Essay Progress Check 2- Womens Suffrage

Specifically, in this assignment, you will submit the following elements of your Project 2: Historical Analysis Essay for review by your instructor:
In Module Six: Analyzing History, continued, learning block 6-4 (page 1) in the webtext, you worked toward the following elements:
II. Body: You will use this section of your essay to provide further detail about your historical event while supporting the claim you made in your thesis
statement. Make sure to cite your sources. Specifically, you should:
A. Describe the causes of the historical event. In other words, what were the underlying factors that led to the historical event? Were there any immediate causes that precipitated the event?

B. Illustrate the course of your historical event. In other words, tell the story or narrative of your event. Who were the important participants? What did they do? Why? How do the perspectives of the key participants differ?

C. Describe the immediate and long-term consequences of the historical event for American society. In other words, how did the event impact American society?

D. Discuss the historical evidence that supports your conclusions about the impact of the event on American society. Support your response with specific examples from your sources.

Sources used

Interchange: Women’s Suffrage, the Nineteenth Amendment, and the Right to Vote. (2019), 106(3), 662-694.
Pruitt, S. (2021). 7 Things You Might Not Know About the Women’s Suffrage Movement. HISTORY. Retrieved 25 July 2022, from
Women’s Suffrage: Campaign for the Nineteenth Amendment. (2020). Retrieved 25 July 2022, from