What further studies or experiments should be conducted to test the authors’ hypothesis or rule out an alternative explanation?

Journal Review

General comments:
Give an overall critique of the paper. What claims do the authors make? How do these claims relate to methods they have used? Do you agree with their conclusion?


Critically evaluate the background to the study. Is this information clearly presented? Are the aims of this study clear? Are the hypotheses clear, and are they appropriate for the study?

Look at the design used and consider whether this is an appropriate method for the
research questions. Are there any issues with the methods they have chosen? Would
alternative measures provide clearer answers to the research questions? Are the
variables used valid and/or reliable measures relevant to the hypothesis tested? Are the details of the study clear?

Discuss the type of analysis used, and how the results are presented. You could
suggest possible alternative analyses and discuss what this would have shown. Is
anything missing? Should additional analyses have been carried out?

Evaluate the explanations given for the results. Consider whether alternative explanations could be given for these findings. Is it possible to generalise these results, or are they specific to a particular paradigm or population? What further studies or experiments should be conducted to test the authors’ hypothesis or rule out an alternative explanation?