oes your reconstruction reveal a complex understanding of the “Socratic Dialogues”?

First Paper: Reconstruction (Plato’s System)

Instructions: The “Socratic Dialogues” by Plato provide us with a rich conception of the philosophical life as lived by Socrates and of Philosophy itself. This exam will assess your grasp of Plato’s system of Philosophy as found in the “Socratic Dialogues”. Plato intentionally scattered his thought throughout the dialogues. Your job is to reconstruct Plato’s conception of Philosophy by isolating and weaving together passages that explicitly or implicitly address Plato’s concept. Go to the parts of the text that resonate with you, that left an impression on you, and ask yourself how does this passage shed light on Plato’s complex conception of Philosophy as such. There is not only one right answer, and there is substantial room for creativity. That being said, you must provide textual evidence to support your interpretation.

What we are assessing?



How precisely does your essay reconstruct Plato’s conception of Philosophy?



Does your reconstruction reflect a good grasp of the dialogues as a whole?



Does your reconstruction reveal a complex understanding of the “Socratic Dialogues”?



How clear is you explanation of Plato’s concept? Is your writing precise, concise, articulate, and direct?



Do you mobilize appropriate textual evidence in support of your interpretation? Do you cite the text properly whenever you quote or paraphrase?



How well have you understood and how well can you explain Plato’s conception of Philosophy?