Were you consistent with others in gathering the data, and what could be done to improve this sort of observational data gathering?

⦁ In Assignment 1, the basketball survey, why should you be dubious of the statistical results? Were you consistent with others in gathering the data, and what could be done to improve this sort of observational data gathering?

⦁ Regarding Assignment 2, Individual Sports Analysis, what where some limitations encountered and what other analytical ideas occurred to you while working on it?

⦁ If the probability of an athlete scoring a point is 23%, about how many attempts (sample size) should be made to validate this probability? (see “More Information” below)
⦁ 36
⦁ 42
⦁ 80
⦁ 63
⦁ LeBron James has a 75% probability of making a free throw. How many free throws would LeBron attempt to validate this success rate?
⦁ 8
⦁ 2
⦁ 80
⦁ 63