Describe the communication best practices of this corporation-How does it organize itself to share information across divisions and with stakeholders?

Corporate Communication Analysis 2


You’ve learned how communication has a shaping effect on the organization and functioning of a corporation; on the economies and markets in which the corporation is active; and on public perceptions of the corporation’s identity and work. In this short paper, you’ll provide a brief analysis of the corporate communication practices you’ve encountered so far in this class.


Analyze the corporate communication practices of one or two corporations, using the “organizational communication/public communication” distinction between corporate communication activity.
Focus on one of the corporations we’ve examined thus far. Choose a different corporation from the one you wrote about in Corporate Communication Analysis #1.
Describe the communication best practices of this corporation. How does it organize itself to share information across divisions and with stakeholders? How does it convey its identity and narrative to the public? Rely on the course readings and shared media to help you precisely describe examples of these practices.
Describe the corporate ethos or identity of the company. How does it acknowledge its own economic, social, and/or environmental impacts? What issues or challenges does the company ignore or de-emphasize? Rely on the course readings and shared media to help you precisely describe examples of these practices.
Make a comparative analysis of the internal and outward-facing communication practices of the company, revealing the extent to which the company’s internal business practices align with its outward-facing corporate narrative and identity.
Stance and Audience

Assume that your audience is not enrolled in this course and has not closely examined corporate communication. You’ll need to educate and inform them of relevant information and concepts, and you’ll need to contextualize your analysis in a way that answers your readers’ questions, What’s interesting, enlightening, or significant about this topic?”
Take a stance that is both fascinated by but critical towards corporate activity. We can learn a lot about organizational acumen by studying a corporation’s communication practices, and at the same time we can criticize that behavior when warranted.
Document Design and Submission

Length: 2 ½ pages (750-ish words)
Set 1” margins to the top, bottom, left and right of your text documents, and use a 12-point double-spaced font (I prefer Calibri or Calibri Light, but Times New Roman is also acceptable)
Number your pages (omit the page number on the first page).
Include the following information in a double-spaced heading in the top left corner of your first page: 1) your name; 2) the name of the course; 3) my name; and 4) the date.
Skip a line below the heading, and supply an original title for your work.
Cite any source material using MLA Style, 8th edition, and include a Works Cited page as the last page of your document.
Submit your work as a MS Word file