What are the barriers to the agency fully meeting all the needs of their client group?

Assessment 1: Reflective Essay The Environment and Context of Helping

To understand how helping agencies deliver their services and the context in which they are delivered.

Learning outcome/s being assessed:
2. Explain different models and theories of communication including Māori and Pasifika theories.
3. Apply interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills and protocols appropriately in different contexts.

Write a reflective essay of up to 600 words (±10%). You do not need to use references for this essay but if you do, ensure they conform to APA-7 style. Follow the Guidelines for Written Assessments found at the end of this document.

Choose a helping agency in your community. If there are not many in your community, choose a helping agency that interests you anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand. Write a reflective essay that answers the questions below. (You can get information on what a reflective essay is here: https://owll.massey.ac.nz/assignment-types/reflective-writing.php).

1. ​What is the value base of the agency?
2. ​What is the helping model of the agency?
3. ​What is the engaging and communication style of the agency?
4. ​What are the barriers to the agency fully meeting all the needs of their client group?

A helping agency is an organisation providing free support services and programmes in the community to improve the wellbeing of individuals, whānau, families, or communities. These include parenting, family functioning, children’s activities, alcohol and other drugs, smoking cessation clinics, housing, healthcare, fostering and adoption, etc