What are realistic impacts on our health if even more GMOs are added to our food supply?


Finally, you are asked to state your own conclusions about GMOs given global climate change’s impacts on food production and human health. (Item 3).

Earth’s climate is changing so rapidly that there may not be enough time for plants and animals to evolve and adapt. It is feared that many organisms, like the bleached corals in the ocean, may become extinct. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/coral_bleach.html

Gene-editing technologies can easily and quickly create genetically modified organisms (plants and/or animals) better adapted to survive and produce nutritiously enhanced foods (biofortified like ‘golden rice’).


(1) What are realistic consequences on the US and global capacity to produce food if GMOs are banned? Given that there are two types of GMOs. will the consequences be the same or different? Your essays can’t ignore the climate impacts on agriculture. Write two separate essays:

(a) On three (3) POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES in the context of the climate crisis (if GMOs are banned from the US food supply). 1-page needed

(b) On three (3) NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES in the context of the climate crisis (if GMOs are banned from the US food supply). In each essay you must distinguish between the two types of GMOs. List the citations for (1) after these two essays (APA format). 1-page needed


(2) What are realistic impacts on our health if even more GMOs are added to our food supply? Given that there are two types of GMOs, will the consequences be the same or different? Your essays can’t ignore climate impacts on agriculture. Write two separate essays:

(a) On three (3) POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES on our health in the context of the climate crisis (if GMOs are added to US food supply). 1-page needed

(b) On three (3) NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES on our health in the context of the climate crisis (if GMOs are added to the US food supply). In each essay you must distinguish between the two types of GMOs. List the citations for (2) after these two essays (APA format) 1-page needed


(3) In your opinion how should we, humans, deal with GMO’s? Make more? Ban? Is there a middle way? What policies do YOU recommend? In this essay you must distinguish between the two types of GMOs. 1-page needed

IN YOUR ESSAY: You must take into consideration that we face serious challenges because our environment is quickly becoming warmer and the weather unpredictable. Local weather patterns can bring drought one year and damaging floods the next year.

Whether the human race will continue to thrive for the next 100 years is being questioned. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/19/science/climate-change-doom.html https://theconversation.com/will-climate-change-cause-humans-to-go-extinct-117691

Explain and justify YOUR viewpoint. Provide citations (APA format)

NOTE: select research articles published 2015 and later.

Acceptable Sources for Citations

• Any “.gov” website: NIH, USDA, FDA, NSF, NASA, etc.

• Science textbooks

• Journal articles from peer reviewed journals

• Medical sites from hospitals, medical schools, health insurance companies—advice and info is conservative, based on research.