Describe two potential academic community impact projects that integrate your values and interests with the current programming of an organization.


Community engaged learning requires familiarity with service-providing organizations and their programs. For this assignment, you will identify and describe three community-based service-providing organizations, and develop potential projects.

Based on the results of your personal self-assessment in Module 2 and your community engagement values exploration in Module 3, identify three community-based service-providing organizations that work on social issues related to your interest and values.

1. LGBTQ Advocacy and equal rights
2. Homelessness
3. Low Income Communities

To locate organizations, conduct an internet search with the location where you’d like to search for organizations and the social issue you would like to work on.(Any Location is fine in a Metro area)

For example, if you were looking for organizations in Trenton, NJ that work on issues with hunger, you would search for “Trenton hunger” and explore the results to identify relevant organizations.

Organizations generally have specific areas of service and related programs.

For example, an organization focused on reducing the impacts of poverty may provide hunger relief to programming through a food pantry.

1.Describe the organizations’ area of focus (food pantry, food bank, hot meals, etc.)

2.Describe two potential academic community learning projects that would benefit each organization and the people each organization serves.

3.Describe two potential academic community learning projects that would provide you an opportunity to use your skills and knowledge in a meaningful way.

4.Describe two potential academic community impact projects that integrate your values and interests with the current programming of an organization.