Discuss your legal and regulatory responsibilities, and their implications, in proposing solutions for the client and how you will adhere to them.

Part 2: Research emerging technologies You will need to prepare for writing your proposal by analysing and researching relevant information. Create a word-processed planning document, addressing the following headings and content:


1. Analyse the information and data in the scenario to determine the client’s problem, requirements and constraints.

2. Analyse the key elements of three of the technologies and processes that the client currently uses, to ensure you understand them.

3. Use at least two critical thinking protocols or processes to identify the limitations of these three technologies and processes.

4. Discuss your legal and regulatory responsibilities, and their implications, in proposing solutions for the client and how you will adhere to them.

5. Create at least five questions to ask yourself, which will guide your research and analysis.

6. Research relevant emerging technologies and practices in the information technology industry to identify possible solutions to the client’s issues.

■ The author’s background

■ The intended audience and purpose

■ The date of publication.

Decision making

7. Compare and contrast two different critical thinking concepts/approaches that you could use to make decisions for this proposal. Include descriptions of the key features/characteristics of the concepts/approaches.

8. Use a decision-making framework, according to the ICT Governance Policy, to: a. evaluate and challenge your ideas b. use and respond to different perspectives c. select three technologies and three practices as the optimal solutions for your proposal.


9. Develop a basic stakeholder communication plan for the project. Include at least three important communication exchanges that will be used (in Projects 1 and 2), identifying the stakeholder/audience, the purpose of the communication and the appropriate channel, format and tone to use. This can be in a table like the one below:
Stakeholder/ audience