Explain signs and symptoms are- pain on empty stomach or 2-3 hours after eating when food moves from stomach to large intestine where the ulcers are.

Online final exam

valves), Increased capillary permeability (inflammation),Congestive heart failure, High blood volume or HTN, Decrease in plasma proteins (such as albumin), Blockage of lymphatic drainage (due to cancer or removal of lymph tissue)

6. What is a hypersensitivity? Review the four different types of hypersensitivities: Type I (Anaphylactic), Type II (Cytotoxic), Type III (Immune complex), Type IV (Delayed cell-mediated). Know examples and mediating factors for each type.

Rejection of transplanted tissues; contact dermatitis, such as poison Ivy; certain chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis

7. Review the differences between benign and malignant tumors. Benign- encapsulated, localized, grows slowly and usually and doesn’t invade, doesn’t usually reoccur after treatment. Malignant- not capsulated, spread, all over body, grows fast, can reoccur.

8. Review signs and symptoms of peptic ulcer disease. Signs and symptoms are- pain on empty stomach or 2-3 hours after eating when food moves from stomach to large intestine where the ulcers are. H. Pylori thrives in acidic conditions and breaks down the lining and causes the ulcers to bleed.

9. Review differences between functional and mechanical bowel obstructions, know examples for each Inability to move stool. Functional obs- somethings that stops the peristalsis movement of the intestine- paralytic ileus. Causes of functional obs- certain medications like anticholinergics- it activates the flight or fight and person can’t poop, pee, spit or see. Poop and pee due to digestive and genitourinary system is slowed down, and salivary glands stop producing saliva and hence dry mouth and can’t see due to pupil dilation. Opioids and low fiber diet also cause functional obs. Mechanical obs- adhesions, hernia, tumor, impacted feces, volvulus and intussusception (something that blocks the intestinal track.