Give them transfusion of the missing factors depending on the factors that they are missing.

Online final exam

Left sided heart failure- blood in left side of the heart is coming from the lungs and hence s/s will be related to the lungs. Crackles sound on auscultation and look blue. Orthopnea or Tripod position. Pulmonary edema.
Right side of the heart- peripheral edema (hands and legs) JBD, enlargement of spleen and liver, Asities (fluid in the abdomen).

59.Review the signs and symptoms of shock. Review the causes of different types of shock including anaphylactic shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock, obstructive shock, septic shock (distributive shock) hypotension causes shock.

Imbalance between oxygen supply and oxygen demand. Great demand but not enough supply. Anaphylactic shock- distributive, bronchoconstriction, angioedema, widespread inflammation due to allergens or antigens.

Cardiogenic- problem with the heart. Severe ventricular disfunction, patient with heart failure, MI, or heart attack, portions of the heart is necrotic and ischemic. Heart cannot beat effectively. Hypovolemic- low blood volume- loss of fluid, patient that’s hemorrhaging, faced burns. obstructive septic- inflammation due to infection- bacterial, fungal, viral.

60.What are complications of shock? Complication of shock- DIC, bleeding, clotting, renal failure, multiple organ dysfunction, particular with septic shock.

61.What are the stages of hemostasis? What medications can affect hemostasis? Hemostasis- stopping of the bleeding and it involves platelets and the clotting factors. Vascular spasms- constriction of blood vessels to try to stop the blood flow. Platelet plug formation, coagulation. Clot retraction and dissolution (break down of clots). Medications like heparin, luvinox. These medications need to be balanced coz excess can put patients at the risk of bleeding.

62.What is hemophilia? What is the treatment for hemophilia? Hemophilia- genetic bleeding disorder, absence of clotting factor. Give them transfusion of the missing factors depending on the factors that they are missing.