How and why did you choose your particular subject and composition?

Assignment objective:

After completing this assignment, you will be able to create an artwork using the elements and principles of art to convey a meaning.

Connection to module objective:

This assignment measures the module objective: Analyze the relationship between elements/principles and meaning in art.

-Elements of Art: line, shape, form, volume, mass, texture, value, space, color, motion, time

-Principles of Art: contrast, unity and variety, balance, scale and proportion, emphasis and focal point, pattern, Rythm


1. Select a feeling or mood that you would like to evoke. (ex. joy, anxiety, love) (JOY WOULD BE THE BEST OPTION)

2. Take a photograph (as in with your camera/phone) in which you use the elements/principles covered in this module to convey your chosen emotion.

3. Then, using either Microsoft Word or Google Docs, answer the following questions:

-What emotion did you choose?

-How did you use the elements and principles to convey that emotion?

-Did you use any artwork for inspiration? (it would be preferred)

-How and why did you choose your particular subject and composition?

-What did you learn from the activity?

4. Write in essay format. (complete sentences, no bullet points)

5. Your response should be between 500-700 words, double spaced, 12 point font.

6. Attach a copy of your photo to your written portion. Otherwise attach a description (formal analysis) of your photo.

7. Also, keep in mind that your submission will be run through an anti-plagiarism service, so make sure that what you write is in your own words.