Identify normal versus abnormal ABG values and example of causes for metabolic acidosis/alkalosis, respiratory acidosis/alkalosis.

Online final exam

ACID BASE Normal pH 7.35 7.45 CO2 /1–5 35 HCO3 26 1.1.tereelunolUlm.

40.Be able to identify normal versus abnormal ABG values and example of causes for metabolic acidosis/alkalosis, respiratory acidosis/alkalosis.

41.What is the normal pH range of blood? CO2? HCO3?

42.Review conditions that affect the lungs such as: asthma (extrinsic, intrinsic, exercise-induced), mycobacterium tuberculosis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, ARDS, pneumonia. Asthma-wheezing, Airway inflammation, airway obstruction, Increased airway responsiveness to a variety of stimuli.

Extrinsic  allergic asthma Intrinsic  non-allergic- body’s response to bacterial infection. Develops in middle age with less favorable prognosis. No history of allergies. Triggers include upper respiratory infections, air pollution, emotional stress, smoke, exercise, and cold exposure Allergen-specific immunotherapy and environmental control not helpful Exercise-induced asthma- bronchospasm. Bronchoconstriction following aerobic exercise. mycobacterium tuberculosis- TB- airborne, N95 repirators, negative pressure rooms.

Cough with bloody sputum, weight loss. And night sweats. COPD- lose ability to move air from the lungs. Air is trapped due to loss of lung elasticity. Barrel chest, finger clubbing. COPD