.What diagnostic tool is used to identify acute coronary syndrome-12 lead EKG- to see partial or complete blockage. And continue to monitor.

Online final exam

Blockage and obstruction in coronary artery that can cut off the blood supply to the heart muscles. This can occur due to atherosclerosis

54.What is atherosclerosis? How does plaque formation begin? atherosclerosis- buildup of fat or plaque within the blood vessel. Plaque formation begins due to damage to the endothelium. Due to hypertension, bacteria, virus or due to lipids. And hence causes reduction in blood flow through the pipe.

55.Review the difference between stable versus unstable angina Due to plaque when the blood vessels cut blood flow to the heart muscles, the heart muscles cause pain because not enough oxygen and blood flow and the tissue becomes ischemic. Chest pain can be stable or unstable distinguished by periods of relief with rest and nitroglycerin (vasodilator). Stable pain predicted with physical or emotional stress. Unstable is unpredictable and happened with increased intensity and duration.

56.What diagnostic tool is used to identify acute coronary syndrome? 12 lead EKG- to see partial or complete blockage. And continue to monitor.

57. Review the following terms: afterload, preload, cardiac output Afterload- pressure needed to eject the blood from the heart Preload- amount of blood returning to the ventricle Cardiac output- the amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in 1 minute.

58.Review the differences between left-sided versus right-sided heart failure, know signs/symptoms for each.