.What happens with oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood and lung with hypoventilation-Hyperventilation?

Online final exam

35.Review the different types of seizures. How are seizures diagnosed? Generalized seizure – whole brain surface is affected during the seizure a. Absence (petite mal): occurs in children, staring spells that last only seconds b. Myoclonic: single/several jerks of limbs, upper body c. Atonic (drop attack): loss of muscle tone, can cause falls d. Tonic-clonic (grand mal): jerking of many muscles Focal (Partial) seizures – abnormal electrical activity restricted to one brain hemisphere Status epilepticus – continuing series of seizures without a period of recovery between episodes. Can be life-threatening Diagnose- EEG- electrical patterns of brain regions., CT, MRI to identify structural causes.

36.Review the etiology of cerebral palsy. Is cerebral palsy reversible? Etiology- diverse group of disorder- cause could be Infection, trauma before, during or shortly after birth. Decreases oxygen during birthing. It is not reversible.

37.What causes Parkinson’s disease? What does this condition affect? Progressive loss of dopamine producing neurons within the brain Dopamine deficiency associated with motor impairment s/s- motor impairment, tremors, shaking, mask like facial expression, move their feet across the floor, absent arm swing, shuffling or propulsive gait, pill rolling movement of the fingers.

38.What are the major mechanisms of spinal cord injury? How do we treat if we suspect someone has a spinal cord injury? Spinal cord injury during vehicle accident, fall. Mechanisms of injury- Hyperflexion, hyperextension, compression. We must stabilize the injury to prevent shock. Immobilize. Head and neck midline.
39.What happens with oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood and lung with hypoventilation? Hyperventilation?

► Hypoventilation causes hypercapnia (high carbon dioxide) and hypoxemia (low 02 in blood). Causes of hypoventilation – morphine, barbiturates, obesity, myasthenia gravis, obstructive sleep apnea, chest wall damage, paralysis of respiratory muscles, surgery of the thorax or abdomen

► Hyperventilation- Increase of air entering the alveoli leads to hypocapnia (carbon dioxide exhaled at a quicker rate than the body cells produce). Causes – pain, fever, anxiety, sepsis, high altitude, and brainstem injury