Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success.

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Explain the impact of the role of HRM in creating sustainable organisational performance and contributing to business success.

LO2 Assess the contribution of HRM in recruiting and retaining talent and skills to achieve business objectives.

LO3 Examine how external and internal factors can affect HRM decision making in relation to organisational development



The organisation is a global car manufacturer. It has both centralised and decentralised functions. One of the decentralised functions is the HR function. In each global location they are based, while production is the core of the organisation, there are many other support functions that ensure the success of the business.

The business requires committed employees to ensure that the organisation is successful and sustainable, and that it achieves its business objectives through strong performance. However, like other industries, automotive is looking at a global skills shortage, in which too few engineers are sufficiently qualified to operate sophisticated automated machinery and equipment or support the advancements available via emerging technologies. These roles cover a number of disciplines, including design, production and programmes and quality; all of which require differing levels of skill, experience and expertise.