How, if at all, has developing this project changed how you see your academic work in relationship to social change?

Write a paper of 3000 to 4000 words (12 to 15 pages) in which you develop an Academic Community Impact Project Proposal that meets a need defined with a community partner organization.

Final Project Outline

The final project should be structured as follows:

Introduction/Overview: Provide a 1-page overview of your project.

Needs Overview: Discuss the need of the community or organization that this project will address.

Partner Overview: Summarize the history, values, and services of the organization you selected, and explain how and why they address the need discussed in the previous section.

Project Design: Include the project design.

Community Engagement Values: Discuss the community engagement values that this project embodies and represents.

Self-Assessment: Discuss how this project builds on your own skills and experiences, as well as how it meets your personal, professional, and/or academic goals.

Reflection: Discuss what you have learned through the development of this project.
In particular, answer the following questions:

How, if at all, has developing this project changed how you see your academic work in relationship to social change?

How, if at all, has developing this project changed how you see yourself as being able to create social change?

How, if at all, has developing this project changed your personal, professional, or academic goals or pathway?

What, if anything, have you learned through developing this project that you did not anticipate learning?

Conclusion: This should be a brief overview of the project and its potential impact on the community and/or organization.