Why has the implementation of public health measures been such a debacle?

Topic: COVID-19

Using the first 2 papers, analyze the response in the US and around the world to Covid. Why has the implementation of public health measures been such a debacle?

Have there been prior pandemics in which the virus mutated and caused mayhem before being contained? Be specific.

Also consider “Nursing shortage gets worse as COVID-19 subvariant spreads”, which can be accessed using the following URL: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.beckershospitalreview.com%2fworkforce%2fnursing-shortage-gets-worse-as-covid-19-subvariant-spreads.html&c=E,1,V4UxVpY7EkwVVLaFmlvikZvuJHWOYh4ORRUYgn734qKlGkT09KFxYGW93QXG1wSFrHog5xINO6XSONPS1IIA7Z5QQVHTRSDF2m3uZ98GU8_efx4kL_Ty4w,,&typo=1