What direction are the ocean currents moving near Miami?

Access the following link https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/equirectangular=-80.83,26.64,165/loc=-85.593,24.567

The visualization shows the current surface-level winds. You can change the visualization by clicking on “earth” at the bottom left corner of the screen. Answer the following questions by zooming into Miami by using the scroll button of your mouse:

What is the direction of winds over Miami? Include a screenshot​.
What direction are the ocean currents moving near Miami? Include a screenshot​.
Hint: Click on the “earth” at the bottom of the screen and change the “Mode” to “Ocean,” and “Animate” to “Currents.”

What is the ocean surface temperature off the coast of Miami? Include a screenshot
Hint: Click on the “earth” at the bottom of the screen and change the “Overlay” to “SST,” and move the mouse over the “Scale” bar to detect the sea surface temperatures

Submit a pdf document with all the answers and screenshots