Describe political system/structure, legal system, education system, income

Country : Kenya
Base it on this Outline:

Slide 1. Tile page include a country slogan saying (include picutures)
Slide 2. Location and Geography (include pictures)
slide 4. Demographics (include picture)
slide 5. History of Kenya (include pictures)
slide 6. Political and legal system (include picture)
slide 7. individual response and bibliography of all sources- (what was learned that is beneficial to your business partners whom this is their first business trip to Kenya, they know nothing about it, and they will be meeting with top business leaders, government officials, potential partners, and possible clients.

Be sure all sources are current. Use professional, academic articles, monographs,, interviews, books, and newspapers.

No fewer that 4 bullets per slide

Slides should consist of:

Basic Country Profile
(location, geography, history,

Governing Systems
(political system, legal system,
education, income, technology)

additional information

Your power point presentation should be professionally done and should be organized so that there is a fluid flow which fully answers each of the sections below – giving examples. Use images and pictures to
enhance the content.
1. Basic Country Profile – Provide basic information about the country, its location, geography, history,
and demographics.
2. Governing Systems – Describe political system/structure, legal system, education system, income
levels, and technology.