Discuss the importance of both indigenous genocide and African enslavement to the development of the U.S.

Topic: Critical Thought Paper 1

Part 1:

In your own words, explain the importance of primitive accumulation to the development of the U.S. In your response you should explain how settler colonialism and the African slave trade relate to primitive accumulation.

Part 2:

Discuss the importance of both indigenous genocide and African enslavement to the development of the U.S.

Part 3:

Discuss the ways you think primitive accumulation and settler colonialism have affected our present-day U.S. society.

Evidence for prompt 1: links https://youtu.be/a_I5QryN9go

Evidence for prompt 2: https://youtu.be/opUDFaqNgXc


there are the screenshots in materials provided labeled.

Evidence for prompt 3: this is a link https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0306396821996273