What problem does the author seem to be wrestling with or trying to solve?

Sorrows of the heard

Personal Memoir A memoir begins with a memory. However, it is not a mere retelling of an experience; it is an examination of the experience where the writer can explore the significance of the event/events. It ponders the past to better comprehend the present.

Therefore, the memoir writer reflects on the memory and includes his/her thoughts about trying to make sense of the experience. This also makes the memoir more than “a siory aboui you” because readers get to share in the process of exploring the meaning of a personal memory. In doing so, it can help them better understand themselves and their world.


• Write at least a 500-word essay. which will count 15% of overall grade, and will focus on the following:

a. Creating a powerful lead-in that draws the reader’s attention and relates to the essay topic.

b. Establishing a strong thesis statement that explains the writer’s argument and the point of this essay without producing an essay map.

c. Developing at least three body paragraphs (each establishing one idea about the thesis) and displaying at least ten sentences of support, including facts, concrete examples, action verbs, descriptive adjectives and adverts, and specific details

d. Providing an essay free of all red-flag errors: fragments, comma splices, run-on sentences, use of 2nd person “you,” subject/verb agreement errors, and spelling errors.

e. Proving your thesis to the reader.

Background Recall an important memory, one that significantly influenced your life. Study the student example memoir in Blackboard.
Ask these questions about the memoir:

• What lesson might this memoir teach us?

• What problem does the author seem to be wrestling with or trying to solve?

• What is at stake in this memoir?

• What are the consequences of the action(s) described?

• What questions remain unanswered?

• What do you think the writer is trying teaching us or him/herself?