Have you ever taken a class delivered entirely in a small group learning format-Describe how this format is/is not a good fit for you.

Answer the following questions in 250 words or less

1. Based on all prior coursework, which course or class was the most difficult and why? -A course in my master’s program

-the course taught how culture and class can influence psychiatric symptoms, misdiagnosis, and access to mental health services.
-learning this was valuable, it allowed me to understand mental disorders and unusual or maladaptive behaviors.
– great for PA school because it will allow to identify certain behaviors to provide the best treatment possible

2. Based on all prior coursework, which course or class did you enjoy the most and why?
-Anatomy and physiology
-Enjoyed it because it gave me understanding of the working of the human body such as movements, senses and needs.
Also gained anatomical knowledge that can be used as a PA to support examination of the patient and help with the formation of diagnosis

3.share the types of learning you have experienced in prior coursework (lecture, small group, (a)synchronous, individual study) and your preference.
– had prior course work in all
-in undergrad classes were larger
-masters program offered smaller class sizes and more one on one with professors
-this experience showed me that I work better in smaller groups and asynchronous(am able to teach myself)

4. Have you ever taken a class delivered entirely in a small group learning format? Describe how this format is/is not a good fit for you.
-my recent 2 years of school in my master’s program were small format
-kept me more involved in discussion
-fostered relationships and creativity in class