Topic: Homeland/ Global Security
For each question, prepare a one-page response (typed and double-spaced).
- Do you see any evidence of confusion regarding the definition, roles, and constitutional questions associated with Homeland Security?
- The attacks of 9-11 and the subsequent investigations uncovered a number of deficiencies in U.S. preparation and counter-terrorism efforts. What were some of the more important deficiencies that were exposed, and do you think they have been adequately addressed?
- What terrorist tactics are likely to become more prevalent in the future, and what can be done to counter these tactics?
- What is meant by the statement “law enforcement has a paradoxical role in homeland security”? How has the USA PATRIOT Act complicated the critical role of law enforcement in defending the homeland against terrorist threats?
- Discuss the concern that new security technologies can be employed to counter future terrorism, but increased technology represents a greater danger to privacy.