How has your understanding of feminism been impacted by the world around you?

Topic: Feminism In Daily Life

Feminism in Daily Life Assignment (750 – 1000 words)

In Living a Feminist Life, Sara Ahmed bring feminism home.

Make a link between something in the world around you (a

newspaper article, meme, piece of artwork, movie, tv show, etc.) and a topic or issue from

the course. This may be a personalized account or more centred on social/educational

observation, but must draw on at least one course reading.

Some questions that you might want to answer include: what does feminism mean to you?

How has your understanding of feminism been impacted by the world around you? What are

your most memorable experiences of feminist activism?

Your paper should meet the following criteria:

  • State the problem, question or concern you have decided to explore.
  • Clarify how this inquiry connects to your own experience/interests and relates to

course content.

  • Draw on at least three sources.
  • One of these sources must be a resource from class material (it does not have to

be something we have read already).

  • In your final paragraph, you might want to pose some questions or areas of further
