Write 2-3 paragraphs (5 to 7 sentences/paragraph) discussing the above prompt in the body of the paper

Topic: Nursing-ethic-case study

Choose from the following scenarios and identify and define the related basic ethical principle. Discuss which ethical principle fits the scenario and what you would do if you encountered a similar situation.

You are representing the SON at a bioethics meeting in your hospital. The case involves a 35 year old patient with paranoid schizophrenia. The physicians on the case are advising amputation to prevent sepsis from a chronic leg ulcer that will not heal. The patient adamantly states:The ethical principle that includes the patient’s right to self determination is.

There is a code on the patient in the bed next to your patient. Your patient asks you if the patient died. You reply that despite exhaustive effort, the patient did die. This is an example of the principle of.

A confused patient keeps reaching to remove their endotracheal tube connected to a ventilator. The nurse applies soft wrist restraints in order to prevent the patient from pulling out the tube (self-extubation). The ethical priniciple to prevent harm is.

  1. Create an APA title page
  2. Write 2-3 paragraphs (5 to 7 sentences/paragraph) discussing the above prompt in the body of the paper.
  3. Include an in-text citation or direct quote as appropriate.
  4. Create a Reference page for the textbook or other sources used in your definition. Review the APA Reference and the In-Text Citations module and appropriate provided resources includichong your “APA the Easy Way!” textbook.