What actions have early years teachers taken to develop social and emotional relationships with other teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic?

An Exploration of the Psychosocial Impacts of COVID-19 on Early Years Education in a Hong Kong International School


This dissertation aims to understand how teachers have sought to build and maintain relationships with Early Years (EY) children in a Hong Kong international school. Through a qualitative approach, the research aims to engage with these four research questions

In what ways has the COVID-19 pandemic affected social and emotional relationships between early years teachers and the children they teach?
What actions have early years teachers taken to develop social and emotional relationships with children they teach during the COVID-19 pandemic?
What actions have early years teachers taken to develop social and emotional relationships with other teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic?
In what ways have teacher’s self-perception of their identities affected the ways they develop relationships with students?

The rest of this chapter will provide an outline for chosen methodological approach and thus follow this structure:

Qualitative research rationale
Research location
Research Design
Data collection methods
Data analysis
Ethical considerations
Validity and reliability
Problems surrounding the research