Discuss your target population as the model of treatment and any assessments used.

Topic: Treatment and recovery project

Choose a drug, alcohol, or sexual addiction to focus on throughout the paper. Your paper will have two distinct sections, which are the Overview and Recovery Plan.

In the Overview, you will want to discuss the symptoms and characteristics of the addiction and include the etiology that could be involved. You should also include any data as well. In the Recovery plan, you will have three subheadings, which are the Logistics, Treatment Plan, and Issues in Treatment. In the Logistics section, you will organize a treatment plan for the addiction in either a group or an individual counseling setting.

Discuss your target population as the model of treatment and any assessments used. In the Treatment Plan, you should include the number of sessions and progression through treatment. In the Issues in Treatment section, you will conclude by discussing different obstacles you will face in implementing this recovery plan, which may include co-morbidity and screen utilized.

6-8 pages excluding title page and reference section.

Two sections, which are Overview and Recovery Plan, and include subheadings Logistics, Treatment Plan, and Issues in Treatment.

You must have at least 8 sources, 3 of which may be books, but the rest must be journal articles that date back no further than 5 years.

Perkinson, R. R., Berghuis, D. J., & Bruce, T. J. (2014). The addiction treatment planner : Includes dsm-5 updates. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.