How important was religion in the lives of Mesopotamian people-How did they worship their gods?

Ancient Mesopotamia; Epic of Gilgamesh

Read (1) Turner, Chapter 1.1 to 1.2.1 (pages 1-15; 166-171); (2) The following two selections on Blackboard: (a) Shamash Hymn; (b) Epic of Gilgamesh (3)

THEN, answer the following questions with a one or two sentence response to each question:

1) How important was religion in the lives of Mesopotamian people?How did they worship their gods?

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2) What is Gilgamesh’s quest? Does he find what he is looking for?

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3) How is the story of the flood in the “Epic of Gilgamesh” similar/different to the story of Noah?

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4) Based on your reading of the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” would you say the Mesopotamians had a positive or negative view of their gods and the afterlife?

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