Where is the principle discovered in this New Testament narrative found elsewhere in the Scriptures?

 Answer the questions using the passage Acts 9 36:43

How does this passage from Acts fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State what

type of story you believe this to be (creation, fall, redemption, or new creation) and

explain why you believe this to be so? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (200-300

words) in length.

How does your principle from Acts 9:36-43 fit with the rest of the Scripture? This

principle is the one you have written out in 1-3 sentences in the Interpretation section. If

your principle is a true Biblical principle, it will be reflected throughout the

Scriptures. Where is the principle discovered in this New Testament narrative found

elsewhere in the Scriptures? Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (200-300 words) in

length. Be specific. List, explain, and cite your supporting passage(s) from Scripture.

the principle that its talking about is “I think the main principle in this passage is to believe in the Lord and amazing things will happen. God can work wonders and miracles to anyone in the world.”


How does this passage from Acts reflect the person and work of Jesus Christ? State and

explain at least one way that the principle of this passage identifies something of the

person and work of Jesus Christ. Your explanation should be 1 paragraph (200-300

words) in length. Be specific. List, explain, and cite your supporting passage(s) from
