Briefly describe each of these and the accepted criminological theory that supports each of these.

CJA 459 W1 DB

Question 1: What is meant by the term, "Socially Constructed Reality?" There are two parts to this question, and you must address both parts as identified below:

Identify the four stages of The Social Construction Process and the Media (p. 33).
Identify/choose one criminal justice socially constructed reality that has been influenced by the media. Box 2.1 on page 35 identifies 10 "Common Crime and Justice Claims Found in the Media. These 10 could be among the many examples of our individual criminal Justice system constructions of reality. choose one of these (or one that you formulate) and analyze the concept using The Social Construction of Reality and the Media process you identified in (1.) above.

Question 2: The media, as shown by research, has from its inception latched onto crime and criminal justice as a source of regular news coverage, and this includes radio, TV, and entertainment such as movies. The textbook (p. 70) identifies three areas of particular interest: Psychotic super-male criminals, Business and Professional Criminals, and Victims and Heroic Criminals.

Briefly describe each of these and the accepted criminological theory that supports each of these.

Finally, identify a recent or past movie that you have seen that supports one of the above and tell why you believe so.

Textbook: Surrett, R. (2015). Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images, Realities, and Policies. 5th Edition. Samford, Ct.: Cengage Learning.