Discuss two industry examples of specific companies and what the companies are doing to foster an environment of equity in its workforce.

Topic: DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion): Management in Practice

Part I: Research

Students will research the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion in the fashion industry (other industries

may be included but must be approved). The research should focus on how companies have developed

specific initiatives relating to managing diversity and fostering an environment of inclusion and equity for

all employees.

A starting point of references are available in Blackboard, under Articles/DEI/ Week 3 folder. Students

should not be limited by the content of the folder but must include at least three external sources.

Part II: Supporting Documentation for the assignment

All sources must be reputable. Other sources can be used but they must be reputable. The FIT Library has

many databases and sources.

All sources, including any of the ones that are provided in the DEI article folder, must be properly sourced

using APA citation style. Any citations in the written body of the work must be correctly cited using APA in-

text citations. See APA Citations in Blackboard.

Part III: Written Assignment

Complete a written report for each topic noted below. Diagrams and visuals can be included but should

not take away from the quality of the content. Please use a creative title for the assignment that is

relevant to the topics.


Explain the concept of diversity. Provide statistical quantitative data that demonstrates the issue for the

industry. Discuss two industry examples of specific companies and what the companies are doing to

manage diversity in its workforce.


Explain the concept of inclusion. Provide examples that demonstrate the issue for the industry. Discuss

two industry examples of specific companies and what the companies are doing to foster an environment

of inclusion in its workforce.


Explain the concept of equity. Provide examples that demonstrate the issue for the industry. Discuss two industry examples of specific companies and what the companies are doing to foster an environment of equity in its workforce.