Does the legal right and/or moral obligation to privacy extend to a right to sell one’s own organs to the highest bidder?

Topic: Ethical Right to Privacy

Review the discussion of a right to privacy on Pages 48-49. Take notes as you read so you can refer to them as you write your essay. Next, answer the following questions in an APA 7-formatted essay.

State your position in an argument and develop your ideas through well-constructed paragraphs. If you are unfamiliar with essay construction, review the following:

Is there a legal right to privacy in the United States? Why or why not?

Do we have a moral obligation to respect privacy? Why or why not?

Does the legal right and/or moral obligation to privacy extend to a right to sell one’s own organs to the highest bidder?

How does the right to privacy impact your career?

Use concepts from the text as well as outside sources to support your answers.