What artifacts (outcomes/data) will you offer to the administratichoon to show that your LA program is working?

Topic: Determine What Works At Your Institution

You will be asked to create a proposal to use a learning analytics (LA) strategy to assist in recruitment and enrollment.

In your proposal you will adopt the position of a Director of Admissions at a theoretical, small, rural college. Your proposal needs to be well written and persuasive. Be sure to keep cost and human capital in mind, as well as technological infrastructure.

You can assume that your theoretical college uses an enterprise-wide student information system (like the Sungaurd product BANNER) and that it has an online learning management system (LMS) as well.

The problem you are trying to address is poor recruitment given the dwindling enrollment and lack of student diversity. Another cited problem is the attrition from the time of recruitment to enrollment. Students are not being retained from the time they first make inquiry to the college and get admitted to the enrollment-in-courses stage. Why is this happening?

You will address the following in your proposal.

Identify the current problem on your campus.

State the purpose of your analytic strategy. Why do you need to use data and how do you propose it will help? What are the intended benefits to the college?

What are “other” colleges and universities doing in terms of using LA in recruitment and enrollment projects and what are their outcomes?

Who is affected by your LA program? Who are the key stakeholders and what are their roles? Identify potential concerns (and benefits) to each of the key stakeholders.

What is the human capital? Who will you need to support you or work with you in developing and implementing the LA program to improve recruitment, enrollment, and retention? Is any special training needed?

What technology will you be using? What data will you rely on? What is the source of the data?

Identify at least two legal and two ethical/moral issues you anticipate, and explain how you will address/resolve them with key stakeholders.

What is the anticipated cost? How long do you foresee using this LA program?

What is the anticipated outcome? What will you do with the data and information generated from the LA program you have adopted?

What are the policy implications for the LA program?

What artifacts (outcomes/data) will you offer to the administratichoon to show that your LA program is working?