What aspects/parts of these concepts or theories do you see in your client/clients or yourself?

Topic: Social Work / Human Services

1 Discussion Board

All Discussion Board responses must be at least 150 words. Be sure to answer all parts

1) As you know, self care and avoiding burnout is a crucial component of social work and other professions where we care for others. As you embark on your semester, share how you are doing and how you have been taking care of yourself physically mentally and or spiritually.

2) Share any challenges you may encounter in the social work field. How will you manage these challenges so you may have a successful experience?

3) Share any questions or concerns you have about social work internship at a youth homeless shelter.

2 Discussion Board

All Discussion Board responses must be a minimum of 150 words. Be sure to answer all parts

Complete the student self assessment form. What areas do you identify as strengths (where you scored a 1 or a 2)? What areas did you identify as having room to grow in (identified as 3 or 4)? What can you do to ensure your growth in these areas?

After completing the reading and powerpoint notes on understanding ourselves, discuss what is the difference between self awareness and self acceptance?

3 Discussion Board responses must be a minimum of 150 words.

Apply two of the concepts/theories

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Erikson’s stages of development attachment theory

The defense mechanisms to your client population.

Focus on the population you are working with in general. you can apply them to yourself/a friend/family member. The point is to be able to apply this theory in real life.

Select two of the concepts or theories and define them in your words.

What aspects/parts of these concepts or theories do you see in your client/clients or yourself? Give examples to support your case.

Focus on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and environments

clients populations https://www.covenanthouse.org/aboutus