Explain how intellectual property can be used offensively and defensively give examples but not from the Chevron Unocal case discussed in legal environment.

Answer the following three questions they all count equally. Use the assigned material and any other written sources you wish. Make certain to cite every source by a recognized system of citation. Failure to cite sources will result in severe grading penalties, citing from Wikipedia is not recommended. You will prepare this in a word document and submit it in a drop box.

1) What are the types of intellectual property and give examples of each type

2) Explain how intellectual property can be used offensively and defensively give examples but not from the Chevron Unocal case discussed in legal environment.

3) Explain how you believe the company you have chosen for your project (obviously you will tell me the name of the company in the answer) can be manage their intellectual property portfolio in both offensive and defensive ways to protect their enterprise

Halliburtion energy service will be the chosen company for this project