Start the first paragraph with “big data” that gets narrower to your specific population.

Homework Assignment 1: Creating a Program Rationale


For this assignment, you will create a short (1 page) program rationale. The topic should be a health

topic that you are interested in that is relevant to Alaskans. In some cases, with prior instructor

approval, students may change their final project topic later in the semester. This assignment is meant

to serve as the foundation for your future assignments and final health program plan.


You will choose a health topic for your final grant proposal project, and find 2‐3 references to include.

review Healthy Alaskans 2030 for possible ideas. The program rationale will be 2 paragraphs

following the “inverted pyramid” below. This means that your program will:

Have a title (also include your name on your paper!)

Start the first paragraph with “big data” that gets narrower to your specific population. That

means that you start with how many people in the world have this health condition. Then, how

many in the U.S., followed by how many in Alaska. Then, narrow down to your priority


The second paragraph states your proposed solution/program and why you think it will work.

Criteria for Success:

The references should source data indicating the health problem, or cite research indicating the

proposed program intervention is an evidence‐based practice for the priority population. review

Chapter 2 of the text and below for guidance on items a full program rationale should include.