Identify how case study participants can reduce various types of bias in the measurement and results identified.

Case Study 2: Review And analysis Report
Group :

Participant Names:

By reducing uncertainty and to make the best decisions with the data available, the Community Health Needs Assessment is a tool to help the participants in this case study understand the problem(s) and identify data sources.

Identify the components of the Community Health Needs Assessment, comment on the approach the case study authors used, whether there were items based on your research that should have been included and why or why not, or other observations from your analysis.

In this case study, clinical reasoning was reached by creating the Proximity Index, the Vulnerability Index, and the SocioNeeds Index were used to understand the data more clearly against the population being studied.

Although not detailed in the case study but discussed in the textbook, identify how case study participants can reduce various types of bias in the measurement and results identified.
One result of this case study collaboration was to create a data foundation “to address not only specific disease burdens, but also the root causes of the inequities….” (2022, p. 6).

Describe the various components of the “Data-to-Knowledge” spectrum, strategies of “Clinical Data Selection and Use”, and the “hypothetic-Deductive Approach”, all of which can help inform the types of data used for analysis.